Whiplash in Las Vegas What Can I Do To Help?

Nov 17, 2016Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash in Las Vegas What Can I Do To Help

The deciding factors regarding how much rest versus activity should be performed initially depends on the degree or extent of injury to the soft tissues such as, ligaments, tendons, muscles as well as disks of the neck. According to researches, early return to exercises and activity is actually much safer than rest and a soft collar in situations where there aren’t dislocations, fractures any other injury resulting in unstable cervical spine.
Chiropractic treatment, which basically exercises joints of the neck, has been proved to speed up recovery especially when done sooner. An ideal way to classify Las Vegas car accident injury includes 4 categories:

  1. Pain without major abdominal clinical findings
  2. Pain accompanied with mild clinical findings plus a range of motion loss
  3. Pain with neurological injury (brought about as a result of radiating arm pain)
  4. Pain related to dislocation or fracture

If you suffer from category one or two injuries, you need to minimize the use of collar, rest, go on with life’s activities and never be afraid to perform the desired activities. In these first two categories, more vigorous exercises combined with using chiropractic adjustments promptly is very effective.
However, category 4(dislocations and fractures) injuries require using rigid collar normally for about 4-6 weeks as rest or protection is vital. Category 3 on the other hand requires your car accident chiropractor to exercise caution since neurological problems such as the arm pain and numbness and muscle pain weakness needs to be monitored during the process of healing. In all the categories of injury, using ice is helpful. Exercise training is also important and you can begin sooner in the first and second categories of injury.
What action should you take if you sustain a whiplash injury?
Using ice is the first self-help. This choice is preferred to the use of heat as ice prevents swelling and reduces pain. Heat on the hand can increase swelling as it boost flow of blood into the affected area. Although the heat can feel good during its application, most patients have confirmed that pain either return soon thereafter or even worsen.
You can alternate heat and ice, however it’s recommended to emphasize ice by using it for ten minutes and heat for five minutes. This sequence of ice/heat approach should be repeated beginning and ending with ice.
You can perform the contrast therapy of ice/heat/ice until the pain subsides, or for a couple of weeks or even longer. Fortunately, the use of ice can never hurt you, unlike the use of heat that can worsen the situation, especially if used too soon. If you doubtful, it’s advisable to use ice immediately you get injured.
Another important advice is to strengthen your neck and the upper back region by the use of exercises. Be sure to observe the general rule- slow repetition staying within the reasonable boundaries of pain.
An excellent stretch type of pain is recommended while preventing sharp pain. We’ve previously discussed numerous very practical strengthening and neck stretches exercises and this will again be addressed in future.
Chin tucks posture correction, keeping the head back over the shoulders is significantly helpful, too. We acknowledge that you have an option where you prefer for your healthcare services. If your friend, a family member or yourself needs treatment for whiplash, Las Vegas accident chiropractor is your first choice and would be greatly honored to take care of you.
For more information in Spanish, visit LasVegasAccidenteDeAuto.com


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