Whiplash: What Are The Odds of a Permanent Injury?

Nov 17, 2016Whiplash Treatment

Whiplash: What Are The Odds of a Permanent Injury

If you’ve ever been in the middle of settling your Las Vegas car accident, you’ve likely heard someone claim your injuries are falsified! Or, perhaps that you’re just trying to get money. Though there are certainly case that it those claims, the fact remains that the majority of people who are injured in a motor vehicle accident would gladly forfeit any monetary settlement to have their health or even their life back. So, where then in this process does the truth of claims lie? Do most people fake their complaints or, are they truly the victims of serious injury? And, is there a surefire method to determine who is at fault and who is more likely to suffer from an incorrect settlement?
To answer these questions, the Quebec Task Force (also know as the QTF) published two studies to investigate whiplash injuries, which they term and define as whiplash associated disorders (WAD), sustained in a rear end or side impact motor vehicle collision might result with no lasting injuries vs. those more likely to become permanently disabled by the effects of the crash.
The first of the two studies from 1995 introduced 3 categories of injuries:

  1. Those with neck pain, stiffness or tenderness only – no clinical (exam) findings;
  2. Neck complaints and clinical findings including decreased ranges of neck motion;
  3. Neck complaints and loss of neurological function including numbness or weakness in arm strength and/or altered reflexes.

The QTF then sought to investigate whether this approach could indeed accurately predict the severity of injury and which injures were most likely to cause long term negative effects. They published these results in 2001 and found if they broke down the 2nd category into two groups, those with vs. without neck motion loss. Those patients who fell into the neck motion loss group and the neurological signs group (the second and third group, respectively) were more likely to suffer long term disability compared to those in groups without motion neck loss (groups 1 and 2a).
However, these conclusions have been challenged by many for their simplicity and lack of inclusion of psychological problems like depression, anxiety, and poor coping mechanism, all of which play an important role in predicting long term disability for victims. Treatment strategies were also cited to include methods to deal with the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression and coping, not just the biological injury aspects.
In short, mental effects were not taken into account. A study published in 2008 looked at 226 studies and reported on 7 prognostic factors and found that 50-75% of people with current neck pain will report neck pain again 1-5 years later. Predictors included age and psychological health. Three other potential predictors that require more investigation include: presence of arthritis, genetic factors, and compensation policies.
The best advice to minimize our chances of having disabling neck pain after a las vegas car accident is to not stop living. Carry on with work and hobbies as much as you possibly can so that you don’t fall into the negative mental spiral of disability.
If you feel yourself slipping, get help as soon as possible!
Pain relief and function restoration are strong goals and car accident chiropractors help has been found to be one of the first and most effective forms of treatment recommended by all guidelines published on whiplash management. Comparing potential side effects, medications carry a significant list of possible negative effects while chiropractic carries very few and, a plethora of positive benefits.
For more information in Spanish, visit LasVegasAccidenteDeAuto.com


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