How to Avoid Whiplash!

May 2, 2017Whiplash Treatment

How to Avoid Whiplash!

Have you heard of whiplash? It is a desire of every motor vehicle to avoid this situation. Whiplash is a common problem that occurs in the event of motor vehicle collisions. However, Whiplash can be prevented if correct measures are taken to avoid car crashes.

How to avoid Whiplash

Most car accidents happen as a result of the recklessness of the driver. Therefore, utmost care should be taken while driving on the road. So how do you avoid car crashes on the road?

Don’t take your eyes off the road

Eating or using a cell phone while driving on the road may divert your attention and consequently cause crashes. The study conducted by The National Safety Council shows that more than 1.6 million vehicle crashes are caused by cell phones. In fact, people who use cell phones while driving are four times likely to crash on the road.
According to the survey conducted in 2011, about 23 percent of vehicle collisions were caused by cell phones. Out of these, 21 percent of the crashes involved individuals aged between 16 and 19 years and were fatal. If you need more in-depth information on the same, you can visit with your kids. On average, texting while driving can distract you for a minimum of 5 seconds off the road. If you are traveling at a speed of 55mph, this time is equal to the length of a whole football field.
Talking on phone can increases the risk of crashing by up to 30 percent. Surprisingly, texting, on the other hand, can increase the risk of the crash by 2,300 percent. A study shows that one in seven drivers between 16 and 20 years get involved in car crashes admit to talking or texting at the time of the accident.
Out of the Americans aged between 16 and 17, more than 82 percent own cell phones. A third of them are confident that they can drive while talking on cell phones. Also, 77 percent of them say that they can safely drive while texting. In fact, the behavior of these youths is attributed to the actions of their parents while driving. About half of the young drivers say that they have seen their parents talking on cell phone while driving. On the other hand, 15 percent have seen their parents driving while texting.
At least one in four adults have received or sent text messages while driving. Also, about half of the kids aged between 12 and 17 years have been inside the car with the driver who was sending or receiving text messages. Moreover, one in five drivers of all ages admits having surf or text. However, they justify the action with excuses such as reading a text is safer than sending a text. They say that they hold the phone near the windshield for better visibility. Some of them say that they only text at the stop sign.

What should be done to stop this behavior on the roads?

Most States in America have banned the use of cell phones on the road. Ten states prohibit all the drivers to using cell phones while driving. On the other hand, 32 states ban all the inexperienced drivers from using the cell phones. Also, 39 states do not allow the drivers to text while driving.
Using the DriveCam on the kid’s car allow the parents to monitor the kids the behavior of the driver on real-time. Moreover, the AT&T Drive Mode app is a free app for Blackberry and Android. This app prohibits sending and receiving of text messages while driving. Also, the parents and teens can visit and take a text-free-driving pledge.
Nowadays, there social media platforms that campaign against texting while driving. These sites include Facebook and Twitter @NHTSgov, @RayLaHood, @DistrationGov, @ Drive safely. Also, you can visit blogs such as, ReidsDad.Org,, and
The recent Belgium-based research required the teen drivers to successfully texting and driving. The drivers reacted in both frightening and funny manner. Most them said that it was dangerous or impossible to drive while texting.

Driving safely is the key to the long life

We are committed to helping you get ultimate and safe driving experience on the road. Moreover, we provide you with high-quality services if you need care for Whiplash. Whether you need car accident treatment, our car accident doctor is available to assist you. Our southern Nevada chiropractic clinic has professional car accident chiropractors.


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