What Can be Done to Avoid or Prevent Whiplash?

Jul 24, 2017Whiplash Treatment

What Can be Done to Avoid or Prevent Whiplash?

Whiplash, which can be rightly referred to as WAD (Whiplash Associated Disorders) is typically concerned with slips and falls, vehicle mishaps as well as injuries suffered in sports activities. This type of common injury which affects numerous individuals across the globe cost the healthcare systems a considerable amount of money. The query of the month is that what can be done to prevent or avoid whiplash.

Step 1. Invest your money for a safer vehicle.

You will come across lots of resources which can be reviewed, for example, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety which has not only published the ratings for the head restraints and the safest seats but has also included quite a few models of vehicles, SUVs as well as trucks. For instance, car seats have been designed recently by Saab and Volvo where the seat back is going to collapse backward upon any impact which should help to lessen the rebound response in case there is a real-end collision thus preventing the head as well as the neck from whipping forward and backward. Consequently, it will be prudent to consider the structural design of the vehicle along with its size as well as weight, the airbags, the restraint systems, the headrests plus any other crash avoidance feature prior to purchasing your next car. Bear in mind that you are at a greater risk while driving smaller vehicles since the smaller mass will provide you with lesser protection.

Step 2. Place the head restraints appropriately.

Placing the head restraints properly will imply that they must be put in their up position. We usually have to confront with a particular issue with the head restraints since they offer little protection in case you are hit from behind because of the fact that they are positioned too low. As a matter of fact, as many as 80% of the vehicles at present feature head restraint in either the low or down position and, surprisingly, it would be better if there were no head restraints at all. The main reason for this is that the head restraints actually start acting as a fulcrum in case they are placed very low thus striking the center of the neck and generating more hyperextension than what would have been if there were no head restraints at all. Bear in mind that, since these head restraints are actually intended for the average individual, it is quite difficult for a short or tall person to come across a proper match. Since there is frequent ramping particularly in case the seat back is reclined in the backward direction with the entire body sliding over the head restraint, the proper position for a head restraint is going to be within an inch of the back of one’s head and 1 to 2 inches above the center of the head.

Step 3. Get prepared for the collision.

This might not be practically possible because of the fact that the whipping action usually takes place within a small fraction of a second and the voluntary contraction of the muscle is even slower and you must also keep in mind that a collision can take place at a lightning fast pace providing you with hardly any time to prepare.
Nevertheless, the following must be done in case you do have some time to prepare yourself:
1. Try to put your neck and head into the seat back and a head restraint which has been adjusted properly such that there is a firm contact.
2. Straighten your arms gripping onto the steering wheel firmly while extending the elbows so that you’re able to brace yourself.
3. Your foot must be positioned on the break quite firmly while you are required to stop in traffic.
4. Look straight in front of you without rotating your head or neck.
5. Try to tilt the head back a bit so that the eyes are pointed toward the windshield’s upper part.
6. Just before the collision, shrug the shoulders in the upward direction to your ears while bracing yourself firmly.

Step 4. Look for treatment without making any delay.

It is imperative to start receiving Las Vegas car accident treatment instantly preferably within the first couple of weeks of the collision in order to prevent the occurrence of a long-term and threatening condition.
It is clear to us that you do have your personal preference while choosing your car accident chiropractor. In case you or any of your known persons need Southern Nevada chiropractic for whiplash, your trust and confidence in us will be highly appreciated and we will try every possible means to serve you as well as your near and dear ones presently as well as in the upcoming days.


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