Las Vegas Whiplash Avoidance

Aug 21, 2017Whiplash Injuries

Las Vegas Whiplash Avoidance

In our previous article, we explored four ways of reducing whiplash injuries when involved in an accident. We focused on: car safety features, adoption of appropriate position for headrest, what to do prior to a crash and seeking medical care. Below are four other ways of reducing or preventing whiplash injuries:


Most times, many of us allow our minds to wander off while driving. When this happens, we create an avenue for an accident to occur. This results from actions such as receiving calls, switching from one radio station to another, eating behind the wheel, driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence of drugs such as pain killers, diverting attention to a conversation and sending text messages which is comparable to the effects of taking about 3 alcoholic drinks. It is our mandate to ensure that we drive responsibly since accidents happen within a very short time-less than a minute. If we neglect attentive driving, we will be allowing a potential collision to occur.


As a matter of fact, the reverse is true. This means that the more the magnitude of crushing metal during a collision, the more the occurrence of the extent of energy absorption. This translates to less force being shifted to what is in the car (passengers). This explains why in most cases, people sustain injuries during low speed collisions since there is hardly any energy absorption by crushing metal as evidenced by lack of or very little damage to the car.


We have to ensure that we do not unintentionally expose ourselves to more injuries by sticking to the guidelines given by our doctor. This entails lessening inflammation and swelling by using ice during the early stages of recovery after sustaining a whiplash injury, resting the injured structures by initially wearing a soft cervical collar, having proper nutrition for fast recovery and engaging in the recommended exercise. This last treatment method is very essential to ensure prolonged chronic neck problems do not manifest. Cervical traction orders is also another treatment approach that can be adopted. This las vegas car accident treatment is extremely applicable in decreasing muscle spasm, separating joint spaces, enhancing disk nutrient transfer and water content, decreasing pinched nerves hence aiding in quick recovery. Remember to stick to your treatment schedule: simply put, NEVER EVER MISS APPOINTMENTS! During your visit to a car accident chiropractor, mention the progress you have made as well as what has not changed or improved. The objective here is to ensure your treatment method is adjusted on time in case it is not effective. Most significantly, the key aim of whiplash management is to ensure the condition does deteriorate hence the need to take the initial weeks of treatment very seriously.


Another crucial tactic of effectively dealing with whiplash injuries is avoiding irritations that emanate from our routine tasks. This therefore calls for making adjustments to your work environment to enhance appropriate positioning and a good posture. Adjustments in this case include: maintain correct sitting posture and sitting on office chairs that have arm rests. Adoption of appropriate sleeping positions and using a firm supporting pillow is important too.
We understand that you have the freedom to decide who should render healthcare services to you. If you are need of whiplash treatment or know somebody who needs it, you can be sure you will receive excellent treatment from our southern nevada chiropractic experts.


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