Las Vegas Car Accident Treatment for Whiplash and Tinnitus

Aug 28, 2017Whiplash Injuries

Las Vegas Car Accident Treatment for Whiplash and Tinnitus

When you think of the word whiplash’ a stiff neck, headaches or neck pain are usually the first things that come to mind. However did you know that there are other whiplash associated symptoms like ringing in the ear or tinnitus?
Many people without whiplash may occasionally hear ringing or some other sound like hissing, buzzing, roaring or a high pitched noise in their ears. The ringing is common in men over 40, tends to keep up with the heart beat or breathing and lasts for a few seconds or minutes. Can you imagine how it would be if the noise never stopped or went on for hours?
You need to learn more about tinnitus to associate with whiplash. Tinnitus exists in two forms- pulsatile and nonpulsatile. Muscle movements near the ear, neck blood flow problems or face and ear canal changes are the causes for pulsatile tinnitus. Nonpulsatile tinnitus is described as some sound emitted from inside the head, and is usually caused by nerve problems affecting hearing in one or both ears.
While hearing loss due to aging, called presbycusis is a very common cause for tinnitus, even living or working in a loud environment can trigger it. It can also be a consequence of some hearing loss, or a symptom of an ear disorder.
Sometimes too much caffeine or alcohol, side effects of medicine like aspirin or antibiotics, dental, TMJ or jaw problems and earwax buildup can cause tinnitus. Even ear infections leading to eardrum rupture, massive environmental pressure changes like while flying, scuba diving or when in an elevator, and surgery or radiation to the neck or head can lead to tinnitus.
Other possible causes for tinnitus are cycling with the neck extended for prolonged periods, severe weight loss through dieting or malnutrition, nerve conditions like migraine headache, high blood pressure and health conditions like anemia, ostosclerosis, labyrinthitis, acoustic neuroma, Menieres disease and thyroid disease.
Luckily tinnitus doesn’t usually require treatment as it just comes and goes. However it’s better consulting with us, your Southern Nevada chiropractic practitioner if it’s related with other symptoms, is continuous or if it exists only in one ear.
We can perform spinal manipulation or some other chiropractic treatment to resolve tinnitus instead of taking medication and suffering from its side effects. In fact, chiropractic techniques applied to the upper neck region help when there is also vertigo or dizziness,
If you wonder how whiplash causes tinnitus, there are both primary and secondary triggers. The exhaustive list of causes mentioned above show that any direct trauma to the head like hitting the back of the seat, window, steering wheel, windshield or mirror are primary triggers.
TMJ or an injured jaw due to whiplash is a secondary cause. However TMJ alone can also trigger tinnitus, ear pain, hearing loss, headaches and vertigo. Spinal and some cranial manipulations work wonders at treating whiplash induced tinnitus as many nerves stimulating the neck and head are from the neck and cranial nerves.
While we know you are at liberty to choose your desired car accident chiropractor, we appreciate the trust and confidence you instill in us if you, your friend or family choose us for your Las Vegas car accident treatment. In fact, we are eager to serve you and your family both now and in the future.


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