Las Vegas Dr Can a Low-Speed Crash Cause a Brain Injury

Oct 26, 2017Whiplash

Can a Low-Speed Crash Cause a Brain Injury: All You Need To Know

Concussion is something that has a lot of interest these days between the football, big screen movies, and sports-related injuries. Traumatic brain injury (TBI), concussion and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) are used interchangeably. Although, mTBi is not what we think about when we get ourselves in low-speed motor vehicle collision (MVC). So, the big question is, how often do the MVC-related TBIs occur? How can you know that you have it? More so, is it usually permanent, if not how long does it last? And where can you get treated in Las Vegas for the condition?

Before we continue, let’s take a look at some interesting statistics

  • The incidence rate of hospitalized and fatal TBI back the year 1994 was estimated to be at 92/100,000, according to records given car accident doctor in different areas.
  • Every year in the US, for every person who dies because of brain injury, five are hospitalized and additional twenty-six go to seek for TBI treatment.
  • Eighty percent of TBI cases are considered to be mild (mTBI)
  • Many of the mTBIs occur as a result of MVCs but little is known about the crash characteristics
  • The mTBIs majority (80%) improve after one within three months under a car accident doctor care while twenty percent exhibit symptoms that can last for more than six months that can include depression, memory issues, and cognitive difficulty. Long-term and unresolved TBI is what is referred to as a post-concussive syndrome.

In a study conducted by medical practitioners, it was found that car crash victims who happened to be admitted to hospital after an MVC 37.7% were diagnosed with TBI, of which the majority of them (79%) were defined by the help of a tool referred to maximum abbreviated injury scale MAIS with a one or two score out the possible in head injuries. You should note that more severe TBIs, mTBIs usually occur to younger drivers, women and those people who were wearing seatbelts at the time crash occurred.
As mentioned earlier, we usually don’t think that our brains can get injured in a car crash as much as we think about our areas of our body that might get injured like the neck. In fact, a big number of patients only talk about their pain, and their car accident chiropractor has to ask them particularly if they have any brain related symptom.
Well, how can you tell that you have mTBI? Traumatic brain injury questionnaire can be used in this case to determine this, it works as a screen to detect a mTBI and repeated to monitor improvement. Why is it so persistent to the unlucky 20%? More advanced imaging has been discovered to help determine the nerve damage that occurs due to TBI such as diffuse tensor imaging (DTI) but is not ready for use at the moment. At the moment functional MRI and the type of PET scanning are in usage for help do this, but SPECT for brain profusion to measure blood flow in the brain and active patterns at this time are the most sensitive.
We understand that you have a choice to who you entrust your health care services and we appreciate the trust and confidence in choosing our car accident treatment center. If a friend, a family member or yourself wants whiplash treatment our Southern Nevada Chiropractic will be highly honored to render our services.


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