by Dr Reiss | Nov 13, 2011 | Whiplash
There are a lot of completely different justifications as to why personal injuries sustained during an accident requiring las vegas car accident treatment triggers lasting headaches. First and foremost, there are specific forms of tissue inside upper neck which may...
by Dr Reiss | Aug 4, 2011 | Whiplash Injuries
Whiplash or Cervical Acceleration-deceleration Condition (CAD) is mostly related to car accidents in Las Vegas and in particular, rear-end collisions. In previous months, we reviewed how CAD is often prevented and centered significantly on spending interest although...
by Dr Reiss | Apr 3, 2011 | Whiplash Injuries
Does This True Car Accident Story Sound Familiar? On a busy Friday afternoon, John was driving home from work when the freeway traffic suddenly stopped, and John successfully and safely stopped. However, the large SUV behind him, driven by a distracted young...
by Dr Reiss | Feb 18, 2011 | Whiplash Injuries
FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME & WHIPLASH TRAUMA As noted above, a number of studies have linked Fibromyalgia Syndrome to physical trauma, including whiplash injury after a car accident. In their 1992 book, Painful Cervical Trauma, Diagnosis and...
by Dr Reiss | Feb 16, 2011 | Whiplash Injuries
Hi Patients and Friends! Pass this on to ANYONE who may have been injured in a car accident before it’s too late! Last year (2010), a study published in the journal European Neurology retrospectively analyzed the data on 500 consecutive patients with...